Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thursday Is For This and That

Here are some arbitrary things to while away your time:
  • NB sends this horrible story which I can't even begin to excerpt;
  • GB sends a crazy story about the "opiod antagonist" Narcon, a controversial drug that can help save lives of OD'd heroin addicts.
  • NYT writes about "Freegans." WTF people? Aren't they just dumpster divers? WTF NYT?
  • Tax standoff in New Hampshire. Live Free or Die, Baby. Quote for my money:
"Everybody feels a tiny bit of embarrassment. This is what we're going to be known for?" Taylor said. "We don't want to be known for this"
Sort of what I feel like about the 21st Century. And America, these days.


karsten said...

Some details of that ball-snatching fail to come together for me. She pulled his underwear off along with his nut -- and then her friend gave him back the nut. So he was sitting around in his underwear in front of her friends?

karsten said...

Why is my commented posted twice? Your web-site sucks.

Professor Atish said...

Yes, some details are missing. The case would seem to require further investigation. I believe you are closer to the scene of the crime than I am...

Also, not unlike Geoffrey Jones, you seem to think you have twin comments, when, in fact, one has been removed.