Friday, January 18, 2008

Look Elsewhere

A lot of people (well, some people) arrive at this site looking for alien sex. Why? This post, I imagine. Needless to say, I feel like I am disappointing these people. You people. So I headed over to Flickr and grabbed the most interesting photos tagged with "alien sex."

Don't say I didn't try.

While you're here, you can feel free to check out what this blog is actually about. Articles that may be of interest?

- Music, movie, and book recommendations from 2007;
- Some thoughts on I'm Not There;
- A review of Anatole Broyard's Kakfa Was The Rage;
- The outstanding web video serial "Clark and Michael;"
- Some photographs of rural, Soviet-era bus stops;

And, presuming you're new to my little corner of the web, feel free to check out the other blog, too:

- Notes on the documentary Why We Fight.
- Uninformed political speculation, in this case, discussing the depth of talent available to the Democratic party;
- Links to some political values quizzes, in case you don't already know for whom you are voting;
- Idle thoughts on trends on Indian culture, and a link to Blogbharti, an interesting aggregator of Indian blog commentary.

As always, thanks for reading. Enjoy!

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